Generate revenue & costs of Mining, Service operations entities on related financial accounts. Register and verify technicians time entry, control on WIP jobs, post invoice for completed service jobs in timely manner, develop and provide service reports to managers.
This position is responsible for ensuring that the Component Rebuild Center operates efficiently by managing procurement purchase activities, maintaining ISO documentation, and handling asset management. This role supports the day-to-day operational needs, ensuring that all necessary materials and documentation are available to keep the CRC functioning effectively.
Primary responsibility is to support & grow BWM’s tire business. Contribute to inventory control through predictive involvement regarding our Customer’s needs, and forecasting with our tire manufacturer. This position with a monthly commission.
The primary function of the Sale Representative is to promote and market the sale of the equipment within assigned customer coverage segmentation while developing and implementing sound selling strategies that ensure revenue growth to budget or greater by selling and renting to new and existing customers. This position with a monthly commission.
ГҮЙЦЭТГЭХ ҮНДСЭН ҮҮРЭГ: Уул уурхайн тоног төхөөрөмжийн засвар үйлчилгээ, оношилгоог уурхайн талбарт ээлжээр ажиллан хийж гүйцэтгэнэ.
АЖЛЫН БАЙР: ГАГНУУРЧИН ГҮЙЦЭТГЭХ ҮНДСЭН ҮҮРЭГ: Уул уурхан тоног төхөөрөмж, эд ангийн гагнуурын ажлыг ажлын зураг ашиглан тогтсон цаг хугацаанд, чанартай хийж гүйцэдгэх. Хагас автомат, цахилгаан гагнуур болон аргон гагнуур хийх чадвартай байх. Line bore буюу шулуун зоролтын ажил хийдэг бол давуу тал болно.
This position is responsible to coordinate all task related to hydraulic, external and fabrications section and its salvage process jobs, such as communicating to customers and PSSRs for quotations, reports, parts orders, purchase orders, work order operation and its performances.
AFTERMARKET SALES SUPPORT SUPERVISORTo support Aftermarket sales processes by leading and managing the Aftermarket Sales Support Team to strengthen PSSRs’ sales efficiency, enhance customer experience, optimize sales processes, and implement Services Growth initiatives to grow profitable sales of aftermarket functions.