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Грийн Химистри ХХК

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Brief introduction of Green Chemistry

GREEN CHEMISTRY LLC was founded in 2012 by the initiative of scientists who are the leaders of chemical technology in Mongolia. We import chemical agents, laboratory equipment, and furniture and subsidiary instruments and provide supplying, trading and consulting services to the companies such as government, private, analytical chemistry, Geology Company, mining, petroleum, gas, as well as universities and laboratories.

We perform our operation with special permission for importing and trading toxic and hazardous chemicals issued by the Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia within the international convention and related rules and regulations of Mongolia.

We ensure product quality and performance guaranty and make every effort to provide the best service with new technology to the customers considering their demand.

Our aim is to establish products of green chemistry and introduce the proper usage of chemical substance and new technology. We perform our operation in compliance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14000.


  • Establish and maintain proper usage of chemical substance and ensure environmental safety
  • Supply laboratory equipment and tools with modern technology
  • Introduce and spread modern technology and international standards
  • Provide an excellent service and assistance to the customers and become the best partner
  • Import the finest ecological items based on the demand

Main activities

  • Import and supply 464 types of chemical substances
  • Supply various types of laboratory equipment and tools
  • Manufacture and trade laboratory furniture
  • Supply personal protection equipment
  • Supply laboratory containers and other items


  • National company having professional staffs
  • Organize trainings regularly for chemicals, equipment and personal protection equipment
  • Long term cooperation with clients
  • Supply high quality chemicals
  • Structured order monitoring and customer care

Guaranty and installment

Depending on the manufacturer’s certificate, we provide 6-24 months guaranty for the equipment. We deliver the goods, provide guidance books in Mongolian and English, install the equipment and carry out a trial for operation.

Green chemistry partners

The company expands its scopes to cooperate with nearly 200 companies and individuals to become their trusted partners.

We successfully cooperate with Government and NGOs such as Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Erdenet Mining Corporation, MonRosTsvetmet Company, Central Geological Laboratory, Bio-Industrial Complex, Water Control Authority, Power Stations of State and local areas, State Inspection Office, State Emergency, Ministry of Mining, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Nutrition and Agriculture.

From where products are imported?

Green Chemistry partners with more than 30 foreign companies from The United States, Germany, Russia, China, Canada, Australia, Poland, India, such as communication partner.

This year alone, the company became an official distributor of SIGMA-ALDRICH, India’s Titan Biotech brands which headquartered in Germany to supply chemical agents and equipment in over 140 countries around the world. We supply with world standard products to our Mongolian consumers.

  • Алсын хараа

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