Жил бүрийн 4-10 сард Тур Операторт -Туслах Ажилтан Тус аялал жуулчлалын Гоёо Травел ХХК нь мэргэжлийн түвшинд тогтвортой үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг эрч хүчтэй, найрсаг, ажил хэрэгч хамт олон юм. Энэхүү улирлын чанартай ажлын байрыг сонирхож байгаа хүний хувьд заавал цаашид аялал жуулчлалын салбарт тогтвортой ажиллах чин эрмэлзэл сонирхолтой байх гэсэн шаардлага тавихгүй боловч хэрэв гүнзгийрүүлж сонирхож байгаа өөрийгөө хөгжүүлэх хүсэл тэмүүлэлтэй хүмүүсийг бид багаас нь чиглэл чиглэлээр нь сургаж дэмжин хамтран ажиллаж болно. Аяллын хоол хүнс, тоног төхөөрөмж төлөвлөх, худалдан авах, бэлтгэж цэвэрлэх Оффис болон агуулах цэвэр нямбай байлгах Гадаад зочдын байрлах байруудыг цэвэрлэж бэлэн болгох Ажилчидынхаа өдрийн хоол хийгээд бүгдээрээ хуваагаад идчихнэ. Гадуур хоол хайж явахгүй. Оффис-д зуны улиралд 8-10 хүн дээд тал нь ажилладаг.
As we continue to grow, with another busy year ahead, we are once again on the lookout for the next crop of excellent Goyo Travel guides. We are currently recruiting local Mongolian guides to lead a wide variety of trips - from city tours to extensive overland journeys, from cultural trips to active outdoor adventures and expeditions. If you have the experience, knowledge, character, pro-activity, organisation, communication & diplomacy skills, patience, humour, enthusiasm, plus good spoken English and are interested in joining our elite team of guides, then we want to hear from you. Tour guiding is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. You will learn a valuable skill set for your future careers, you will become an expert on history, culture and represent Mongolia, and most importantly, you meet new people from all over the world. In terms of timing, it usually works well if you have another full time job or studies and want to do this during your summer holidays. Please note that tour guiding is usually between June - Oct every year on freelance basis. You might have a day trip or 2 weeks trip and have some break. There may not be work for every single day due to the trip availability and the suitability of your skill sets. Learning about new things is never ending and refreshing what you know is always good. If you haven’t got much guiding experience or haven’t done any professional general knowledge training courses yet, we highly recommend to complete one before taking any clients on the road. We have had successful candidates from them before and it will help you to be better prepared. Please understand that we have to give our trips to someone who is thoroughly prepared to look after the trip in terms of knowledge & experience, not just English. Otherwise, it becomes that “a blind leading a blind” in Mongolia and guests complain about having another Mongolian tourist travelling along and clients are paying for it! Handling and organizing the trip from the beginning to the ending of the tour as on the itinerary Provides tourists with actual and specific information and description Cares tourists for their safety, satisfaction and comfort for the whole trip