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Development Data Specialist, Asia Pacific

3,000,000 - 4,000,000 MNT | Negotiable   /Monthly/
CV илгээх

Job description

We are looking for a Development Data Specialist, Asia Pacific (AP) who will provide centralised constituent data management support to a team of fundraisers based in the Asia Pacific region, mainly Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia and New Zealand. The Specialist is responsible for the data accuracy and consistency in TNC’s fundraising constituent relationship management database (BBCRM). In addition, the Specialist plays a role in producing key data reports and supports in revenue management for the region. The Specialist is part of the centralised development operations team in AP and reports to the Associate Director of Development, Operations and Strategy, AP.
The position’s location is negotiable within anywhere in India, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand, and the candidate must have the right to work in these countries. Working across time zones is expected. Multi-lingual skills and multi-cultural or cross-cultural experience are appreciated. This position can work in a hybrid arrangement, either remotely working or from the TNC office, as needed based on demands of specific tasks.
The Development Data Specialist’s primary responsibility will be the timely and consistent documentation of all fundraising activities in the TNC’s fundraising constituent relationship management database (BBCRM). Other responsibilities include constituent account creation, adding and updating relationship managers, donor strategies (“plans”) and team members to accounts; documenting donor interests via attributes; and maintaining accurate contact information and communications preferences. They are expected to maintain an in-depth understanding of TNC’s proprietary Blackbaud CRM platform and will serve as the team’s subject matter expert on internal prospect management standard operatingprocedures, specifically the Conservancy’s moves management protocols. They will be involved in gift processing and must exercise discretion in handling sensitive and confidential donor information. They will identify best practices and recommend procedures and solutions for database accuracy and efficiency. They will play a role in producing reports for stakeholders, ensuring that the teams can accurately track and report on key performance metrics related to fundraising collaboration, activity and pipeline growth. They may be responsible for various activities, including providing operations support as a backup for the regional development operations team.

•Manage varied activities to meet deadlines.
•Work under pressure and perform repetitive data entry tasks.
•Build collaborative working relationships with diverse range of people.
•Manage new technology (e.g., databases) and workflows to achieve desired results.
•Provide input through project teams for the improvement of existing programs.
•Refer difficult questions and unusual problems to supervisor.
• Act independently on assigned tasks and exercise independent judgment based on analysis and experience.
•Ensure compliance with TNC policies and procedures, and external (donor/legal/IRS) requirements.
•Work is diversified and may not always fall under established practices and guidelines.

Job requirements


•Bachelor’s degree and 2 years’ experience or equivalent combination.
•Excellent verbal and written communication in English.
•Experience building relationships with staff, customers or similar.
•Experience generating reports and interpreting data.
•Experience in business writing, editing, and proofreading.
•Experience working across teams.
•Experience, coursework, or other training in principles and practices of relevant field.


•Multi-lingual skills and multi-cultural or cross-cultural experience appreciated.
•Strong organization skills, accuracy, and attention to detail.
•Experience in database management, generating reports and interpreting data.
•Ability to analyze information for the purpose of coordinating and planning activities and solving problems.
•Ability to implement processes and strategic program goals.
•Ability to use existing technology to achieve desired results.
•Experience managing varied activities to meet deadlines.

Additional information

TO APPLY To apply for job ID 55526, submit your materials online by using the Apply Now button at OR  Submit the following documents via email :
1. Curriculum vitae containing detailed work experience in similar work and projects;
2. Cover letter confirming interest and availability;
3. Reference letters from your previous three employers.
  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.   Need help applying? Visit our recruitment page or contact   The Nature Conservancy is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Remote work available.

Other details

LocationUlaanbaatar city, Sukhbaatar district
FieldPublic Services, NGOs

Contact info


Job advertisement posted date

2024-09-05 10:54

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