Техникийн бичгийн орчуулагч /Англи хэл/
Гүйцэтгэх үндсэн үүрэг
- Make written (technical documents, maps, legends, etc.) and verbal translation (during meeting, as required by expatriate employees and consultants) from Mongolian to English languages and vice versa. Translate messages simultaneously or consecutively, maintaining message content, context, and style as much as possible.
- Check translations of technical terms and terminology to ensure that they are accurate and remain consistent throughout translation revisions. Liaise with Supervisor, Contractor, originator, etc. to discuss any unclear points. Provide with a grammatically correct, well-expressed final version of the translated text, usually as a word-processed document.
- Refer to reference materials, such as dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias, and computerized terminology banks, as needed to ensure translation accuracy.
- Identify and resolve conflicts related to the meanings of words, concepts, practices, or behaviors.
- With the approval of Supervisor, perform translation work both written and verbal as required and requested by other departments and the Company organized events.
- Follow ethical codes that protect the confidentiality of information.
- Assist with data entry and other relevant tasks needed by the Department as needed and as when having no pending translation work.
- Perform other duties as and when required and requested by the Supervisor
Ажлын байранд тавигдах шаардлага
- University degree in English language (technical translation/construction) and/or degree in Construction with thorough training in translation
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English and Mongolian languages
- Good computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.)
- Бичгэн болон аман орчуулга хийх
- Цагийн менежмент ачаалал даах чадвартай байх
- Багаар ажиллах, өөрийгөө илэрхийлэх чадвартай байх
- Логик сэтгэлгээтэй анхан шатны техникийн орчуулга хийх
- Дүн шинжилгээ хийх чадвартай
- Бакалавр буюу түүнээс дээш зэрэгтэй
- 1 ба түүнээс дээш жилийн ажлын туршлагатай
- Багаар ажиллах, бусадтай ажиллах чадвартай байх
Нэмэлт мэдээлэл
Ability to acquire quickly knowledge of available reference resources and technical terminologies; ability to translate documents in English and Mongolian; good typing skills both in English and Mongolian; ability to draft correspondences, summary of meetings, prepare documentation and reports concisely and accurately.
At least 1-2 years of related working experience
Be able to work at mine site with roster of 2 weeks on and 2 week off.
БайршилӨмнөговь аймаг
СалбарБарилга, Үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө
Холбоо барих
Утас99929144, 76019797, 94057274
Компанийн дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэлтэй энд дарж танилцана уу.